La pàgina de burocràcia:

El fet de visitar suposa acceptar les normes de la web gràcies!

L'autor d'aquesta web declina tota resonasabilitat possible de danys i perjudicis que hi pugui haver en la web, doncs no ha estat pas fet amb mala intenció.

No feu un mal ús de la web, ni de la informació que hi conté, sigueu respectuosos amb el mèdi ambient, recicleu.

Sigui com sigui, jo no en tinc la culpa. o sigui que ja queda tot dit.

Si tant us agrada la web, accepto targetes de crèdit, talons, bitllets, i calderilla, transferències, o harware --- tot tot i tot!

Home of LeChuWeb Privacy Policy

Home of LeChuWeb is created to preserve my borring live, that is fading rapidly from human' collective memory. Being a not-for-profit rather than an e-commerce site, Home of LeChuWeb does not collect any personally identifiable information about you such as name, address, phone number, or e-mail address, without voluntary consent from you. Moreover, any personal information you posted on the site (such as your e-mail address in the Guestbook or message board) is neither collected nor passed on to third parties.

Home of LeChuWeb works with a third party that serves ads to this site. Our sponsor does obtain some types of non-personally identifiable information such as the Internet Service Provider you use to connect to the Internet, your browser type, or the type of computer operating system you use (Macintosh or Windows, for example). The information collected by our sponsor is used for the purpose of targeting ads and measuring ad effectiveness on behalf of our advertisers. Thank you for your attention.


Disclaimer: Home of LeChuWeb does not claim rights to any software on the site. To the best of our knowledge, these titles have been discontinued by their publishers or are freeware. If you know otherwise, please contact us and we will remove them accordingly. Thank you for your attention.

© Copyright 2000, 2001 Home of LeChuWeb

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Llegiu com ha evolucionat la web des dels seus inicis... aqui:


(c) By LeChucky